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Exorcizamuste is an Action, Horror, Survival, Puzzle Solving and Investigation game for single or multiplayer with its online cooperative mode.


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Exorcizamuste is an Action, Horror, Survival, Puzzle Solving and Investigation game for single or multiplayer with its online cooperative mode.

Game objectives

  • Find and travel to the places where supernatural beings inhabit.
  • Detect the types of beings they are, as well as their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Kill, banish, exorcise or make these entities disappear.


The corporation has establishments spread across the globe to carry out its work, which we commonly refer to as BUNKERS.
These Bunkers are divided into 3 sections or wings with the following characteristics:

Sector A
This is where the 5 personal rooms for the group of hunters are located, and they are equipped with:

Where hunters can rest, purchase equipment from the corporation's online store using the money they earn from their contracts for eliminating supernatural beings, and an equipment table where they can prepare their gear for the next contract.

Storage rooms
Where all purchased products from the store are stored in case they are not equipped on the preparation table for the next contract or mission.

Lounge areas
This room serves as a relaxation or dining area and is equipped with a fully furnished bathroom to meet their basic needs.

Sector B
Here is where the operations room is located, where all missions are monitored, new information is collected, and we have a digital world map where we can select the next contract or discovered location where a possible supernatural being could be waiting to be hunted.

Sector C
In this wing, we can find the engines and machinery necessary for the proper functioning of the Bunker, as well as access to other sections still under maintenance or construction due to budget constraints. We hope to have them ready very soon.

Here we find the exit tunnel that leads to the elevator, which will take us to the surface and directly to our next mission. However, this is only possible if we have chosen our equipment in the bedrooms of Sector A, the contract in the operations room of Sector B, and all hunters are ready and prepared, inside the elevator.

Team and Objects

The corporation has various weapons and specialized tools carefully chosen for hunting different supernatural beings. All of these together make up the hunter's equipment. The equipment is composed as follows:

Primary Equipment
This equipment is non-transferable and is provided to each hunter free of charge for being part of the corporation. It consists of the following components:

Worn on the shoulder, secured with a high-tech mechanism that allows maximum mobility without worrying about it detaching or falling off.

Hunting Watch
Worn on the left hand, it is not used to tell time. With this watch, you can see the temperature of the surroundings and the frequency emitted by objects or entities in your environment just by getting close. The temperature gauge has an additional mode, toggled by clicking on the icon, to measure the temperature differential and help us discover the ghost's trail. The frequency gauge has an additional mode, toggled by clicking on the icon, to be used as a proximity radar. It will only work if the entity emits frequencies; otherwise, it won't be useful. The sound of the frequency levels can be turned on or off.

A customized Zippo lighter given as a badge to the corporation's hunters. It can come in handy if the flashlight fails and can be used to ignite gasoline to get rid of cursed objects or entity remnants, or even to defend ourselves if necessary.

A distinctive device of the corporation with various applications installed on its operating system. With it, you can check your health status, take and view photographs, monitor installed cameras, and access different applications for hunting supernatural beings.

A medium-small leg bag that hunters will carry to transport up to 8 consumables, ammunition, or small collectible objects at a time.

The primary weapon can range from a shotgun to a pistol and will be your first and best defense against supernatural beings encountered during different missions. The secondary weapon will usually be a pistol or another small weapon that will serve as backup if your primary weapon fails. You can carry both with you.

Throwables can include flares or light bars that you can carry with you and quickly access depending on the situation you find yourself in.

Accessories are small or portable support objects that you can carry with you, usually used to help detect clues or characteristics of the types of supernatural beings you encounter.

Transportable objects can include cameras, gasoline, salt, or larger lights that need to be transported individually due to their weight, size, or reduced mobility of the hunter. Therefore, you cannot carry them directly; they will be placed in a designated area at the mission location by the corporation. Like accessories, they provide support to help detect clues or characteristics of the entity and can also be used to eliminate it.

Ammunition and Consumables
Ammunition and consumable items are small, single-use objects that can be physically transported individually or stored in your backpack-inventory. They will be provided in a corporation's box at the beginning of contracts.

Corporation Box
This box will be provided by the corporation for storing ammunition, consumables, and collectible objects from the entire team. It will be placed near the entry point of the location whenever possible.

Transportables Placement
The corporation will choose a location for placing the transportable objects in each mission. Typically, it will be near the Corp Box, if possible.

Types of Beings

As of today, the corporation has managed to discover numerous types of supernatural beings and has classified them into different categories based on their characteristics, behavior, general traits, and how to deal with them. The main types include: Spirit, Spectrum, Demon, Lighted, Dark, and Poltergeist.

It is a recently deceased ghost that still doesn't hold much resentment towards the living or the causes of its death, so its power in the spiritual plane is minimal and shouldn't pose a great threat. However, they dislike the presence of the living, being bothered or directly looked at, as they feel ashamed of their current state. Therefore, if they were to get angry, they can be equally as dangerous as any other entity. Finally, they are linked to their physical remains.

It is a ghost that, after centuries of being dead, has acquired elemental spiritual power, allowing it to greatly affect the temperature of its surroundings and leave marks of its presence. They dislike extreme temperatures opposite to theirs, although they are weak against them. They also dislike the presence of the living and will try to keep us away from them, which can pose a significant threat. They are usually tied to an object or their physical remains. Cursed objects associated with Spectrums can be detected because they always give off an EMF (electromagnetic field) rating of 5.

It is an ancient and powerful ghost that should be feared. It is capable of anything, so if you encounter one, run for your life. They are unpredictable and do as they please. They will try to play with you and hunt you down, so extreme precautions must be taken. If you have no choice but to fight them, keep in mind that they have a significant impact on their surroundings and objects and can even communicate with you. Their weaknesses vary depending on the characteristics of the entity, so you will have to improvise based on your experience. They cannot be directly defeated; a ritual must be performed to expel them from this plane, and sometimes the ritual will require an object or the remains to which they were tied. Cursed objects associated with Demons can be detected because they always give off an EMF rating of 5.

It is a ghost that, after centuries of being dead, has acquired luminous power, allowing it to greatly affect the frequencies of its surroundings and leave marks of its presence. They dislike darkness, although they are weaker in it, and they don't mind the presence of the living. They are usually tied to an object or their physical remains. Cursed objects associated with Lighted beings can be detected because they always give off an EMF rating of 5.

It is a ghost that, after centuries of being dead, has acquired dark powers and is difficult to identify since it can affect its surroundings, objects, and can even communicate with you. They dislike light, although they are weaker in it, and the presence of the living somewhat bothers them. They are usually tied to an object or their physical remains. Cursed objects associated with Dark beings can be detected because they always give off an EMF rating of 5.

This case is special because we are not talking about a ghost as such, but rather a portal to another plane with unimaginable powers. If, for any reason, we come across a portal of these characteristics, it is highly recommended to flee. If there is no alternative and you have to close it, keep in mind that this portal will cause more entities to be present in the location as time passes while it remains open. Beings associated with a portal usually emit large amounts of frequencies to the objects in their surroundings and leave traces on them. The entities can be sent back to their plane by attacking them with the appropriate weapons, which may vary depending on the characteristics of the portal. To close the portal, a ritual must be performed at its location.


The clues to detect the type of supernatural being that the corporation has gathered up to this day can be enumerated as follows: Temperature, Camera View, EMF, Print Type, Writing Type.

The temperature will be affected in different rooms where the entity passes through and can progressively increase or decrease. For example, if the ambient temperature is 20º and the entity raises the temperature by +25...+6, the temperature can reach up to 45º. We will observe that the color of the environment changes, and if the temperature is extremely high or low, it can directly affect us, even causing harm to our health. If the entity is very angry, it could modify the temperature above or below its usual values, so make sure to note this clue carefully and always choose the value closest to the indicated values.

This clue is based on whether it can be seen through the camera or not. We have up to four different types of camera views: Digital, Infrared, Thermal, and XView. The digital view is the normal view without applying any filters. The Infrared view, also known as night vision, detects light spectra that the human eye cannot perceive. The Thermal view can detect the entity's temperature. The XView, or X-ray view, can either penetrate the entity and reveal its skeleton or prevent X-rays from passing through its spectral body.

This clue can be detected when the supernatural being interacts with elements in the environment such as doors, drawers, or windows. Additionally, it can move physical objects or even emit high frequencies when it manifests or is very angry. It is important to note that whether emitted by the entity or when it interacts with elements or objects in the environment, the frequency will decrease after a variable time according to the ghost's characteristics. Therefore, act quickly and take multiple measurements to ensure that the entered value is correct.

This clue is discovered using ultraviolet (UV) lighting, such as flashlights or light bars that emit UV light. We may find that there are no footprints, or there can be up to three different types: Hand, Claws, and Blood.

This clue will be revealed over time. If the ghost can communicate with you, it can do so through written text, symbols, or it may not be able to communicate in this way.


  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050
  • DirectX: Version 10
  • Storage: 4 GB available space
  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: Windows 10
  • Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
  • DirectX: Version 12
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 4 GB available space
  • Sound Card: -

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