Buy Cynostone Cheap CD KEY

An all-new RPG with fast-paced turn-based combat and a compelling story


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CYNOSTONE is an all-new RPG currently under development by solo-developer CynoKaiju. In this exciting new RPG, choices matter and you will be tasked with a divine objective to help safeguard peace and harmony for the world. While waiting for the game to be finished, please enjoy the free demo!

Cynostone is a game about the eponymous object known as the Cynostone. When assembled, the Cynostone is a tool of unlimited power that can be used for ultimate evil or ultimate good. However, to make sure that the Cynostone never fell into the hands of a single person, the Celestial Quorum - three siblings tasked with protecting the Cynostone - decided to fragment it into 5 pieces. These fragments were then entrusted to 5 Acolytes who were instructed to spread across the world and never to let their fragemnts be reassembled until a special being known as the Cynobearer arose.

The Cynobearer is a prophesied being who will be able to assemble the Cynostone once again and then destroy it. Doing so will ensure that no person can ever wield the Cynostone again and that peace and harmony can be brought about as a result. However, this also means that many corrupt forces will desperately want to capture the Cynobearer and use them to assemble the Cynostone. Then, whoever has access to the fully assembled Cynostone will be able to wield its omnipotent power.

Thus, when the Celestial Quorum become aware of the presence of the Cynobearer, they decide to act quickly. This is where the story begins.
Morton Howley, our protagonist, is an aged and grumpy wolf who used to be an Acolyte himself. Now, he wishes for nothing more than to be left alone to live his life in his hometown of Humbleton. But when the Celestial Quorum summons him to act as their intercessor, Howley must once again set out to find the Cynobearer, gather the ardors, and ensure that no one gets in the way. Will you join him in this quest?

Cynostone is an RPG with a unique take on turn-based battles. When confronted by a corrupted soul, Morton Howley will have to use his battle stone to avoid enemy attacks.

When its your turn, you'll be able to choose between taking action or using a special ardor move. To charge up your ardor, be on the lookout for blue-outlined enemy projectiles and be sure to *RAM* into them. Once your ardor bar is full you can use powerful moves. In the demo, you'll only get to use one but rest assured more is yet to come.

Cynostone is a game about choices and your choices in battle will be of paramount importance in determining your path forward. Will you be a craven, ruthless killer or will you let your gentler side be made known? In battle, you can choose to interact with various enemies and maybe avoid having to unnecessarily kill them.

Or perhaps you don't mind the bloodshed...


  • OS: Any Old Potato Should Do

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